
Friday, June 8, 2012

Form Friday | Pennsy Coal and Empty Cards

This week's installment is form C.T.1030 from the Pennsylvania Railroad from 1962. This form is geared towards coal trains with special marks for type of coal, Anthracite or Bituminous and whether or not the car is loaded. Could make an interesting substitution for a pack of car cards or a regular switch list if you are moving bulk commodities in unit trains. I am guessing, but I bet that most railroads had something similar for various types of freight if they moved a lot of it.

There is also a mark on the form (I think it is supposed to be a double dash like an equal sign = ) to indicate if it is moving on a C.T.212 Empty Car Instructions card which was placed directly on an empty car (as seen below). There are a lot of instruction cards that go directly onto cars, and, in addition to chalking cars for sorting, is an area that would be interesting to try to translate to a model railroad.


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