
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gold Mine (con't)

Looking East with Hoboken in the foreground. (Photo from Pier 16 real estate folder of Webb & Knapp, circa 1950 in collection of the author)

These photos are from the Pier 16 sales brochure/report/folder. I've picked out the best to start, but again, I'll get around to posting all of them at some point. Great material to draw from!

Pier 16 is seen behind the Lipton Tea factory. (Photo from Pier 16 real estate folder of Webb & Knapp, circa 1950 in collection of the author)

Looking North with Lipton Tea at upper left. The HBS tracks can be seen just in front of Lipton breaking off to do some street running down Hudson Street. (Photo from Pier 16 real estate folder of Webb & Knapp, circa 1950 in collection of the author)

View from Hudson River. (Photo from Pier 16 real estate folder of Webb & Knapp, circa 1950 in collection of the author)

HBS tracks at left. What looks to be a boiler house is probably a part of Bethlehem Steel Shipyard. (Photo from Pier 16 real estate folder of Webb & Knapp, circa 1950 in collection of the author)


  1. Corner of 12th and 28th:

  2. Great photo, Chris! Thanks! And now I'm off to peruse the rest of this amazing collection...
