
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

HBS Mostly Wordless Wednesday

Publicity shot with Bill Billings in the middle locomotive No.500 (Collection of Tim Stuy)

14th Street Yard in some morning sweet light. (This one is taken by Randy Brown in December 1972)

Another publicity shot of the 44 twins. This one was used in the real estate brochure I have from 1955 when Webb & Knapp were trying to sell the railroad. See the top menu for the entire report. (Collection of Tim Stuy)

More from Tim Stuy! Tim is really generous sharing these photos. 


  1. It's shots (and a railroad) like these (and knowing somebody else is modeling the same general theme/locale like yourself, Riley) that keep drawing me back to my Harbor Terminal-themed layout.

  2. I think we need to get Ted riding you a little bit harder, too. :) You've got a really interesting layout, and it is an inspiration for me. I want to come operate!

  3. We ride him, shame him, cajole him.. We even call him Ensign Brio. :p

    1. If calling him Ensign Brio doesn't work, I don't know what will...
